Our Story

Our Story

We’ve helped raise more than $45M dollars to support water innovation and inclusive economic development; launched 10+ technology pilots; supported the commercialization of technology at 30+ water tech companies; and educated more than 30,000 people through our events and convenings. 

Chicago is our sweet, freshwater home, but our partnerships stretch across Illinois, the Great Lakes region, and the world.

— Rahm Emanuel, former mayor of Chicago 

Kalindi Parikh of Current speaking at Chicago Water Week event held at 1871.

Why Water? We will feel climate change most acutely when our water dries up. And if things don’t change quickly, it will. 

Companies on the forefront of preventing water crises will win. Our job is to ensure that the Great Lakes region becomes a global leader in protecting our scarce water resources from both pollution and misuse.

Strategic Advisers

Technical Advisers


Venkat Atluri
Richard Assmus
MarySue Barrett
Michael Fassnacht
Dr. Joanna Groden
Randy Connor
Paul K. Kearns
Dr. Steven Kloos
Andy Martin
Dr. Susan Martinis
Dr. Nadya Mason
Brian Perkovich
Dr. Eric Perreault
Andy Richardson
Thru Shivakumar
Dr. Steven Kloos
John Robinson
Dr. Lindsay Birt
Mark Bertler
Michael Reardon
Dr. Terry Mah
Dr. May Wu
Todd Fein
Chris Sosnowski
Dr. Dev Gavaskar
Dr. Rafael Simon
Pierre Côté, Ph.D.
Dr. Kam Law

There are no open positions at this time.

Thank you to everyone who submitted an application for a summer internship at Current. Applications are now closed, but stay tuned for updates on Fall/Winter internships later this year!